Saturday, August 27, 2011

Automotive Repair Air Conditioning - Air Conditioning System Parts Car

Automotive Repair Air Conditioning - Air Conditioning System Parts Car

Exhaust System

It 's always a pleasure for the fall of the cold air on the body particularly happy in hot summers. So you can participate in the marriage or other personal functions or meetings with your face shining rays freshness. A powerful car air-conditioning could significantly reduce the fatigue of long journeys, particularly automotive air conditioning systems in cars that many would be the dream machine of causes today's youth.

However, the automotive air conditioning systems is still more than standardIf in a car. Cars manufactured before 1940 did not have the feature, as it had until then been invented. Gradually, some improvements have been made to the system. The repair requires a professional to help. Curious can get to know the things to try to do some repairs on their own care.

In the small car with air conditioning, there may be a slight decrease in the collection of the vehicle, but this is not the case of large cars.

The standard of Automotive PartsAir conditioning

The automotive air conditioning system consists of seven main parts.

These parts are:

1) Compressor - The heart is the human body, so the compressor to the AC system. It is basically a pump connected to the engine, whose main function is to provide the refrigerant from the evaporator coils and the compressor, compress "the heart of the system", is a pump that is connected to the engine. Its purpose is to compress and transfer refrigerant. The compressor has botha recording and a printed page.

2) Condenser - works much like the radiator and most often have a similar appearance. To irradiate the purpose of the capacitor or to provide heat, so if the series of AC capacitors have good air circulation for cooling.

3) evaporator - Its main task is to absorb the heat. In addition to getting rid of heat from inside the vehicle, it is also for drying the car. To check the temperaturethe evaporator, the introduction of pressure control devices pressure, orifice tube as needed

4) The recipient is in air conditioning systems of cars that use thermal expansion valves, pressure regulators used as devices to make sure the pressure control device, the liquid refrigerant, it needs to go to work. To do this, there are separate gas and liquid.

5) The battery is only for motor vehicle air conditioning systems have usedOpening the tube as a pressure regulator, and its main purpose is to store excess liquid refrigerant. This prevents any liquid in the compressor, which could be detrimental to the system.

Despite the modern advances that have been made in the sector since the introduction of air conditioning systems of cars, you can still get your system, even if it's an old-fashioned days.

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